“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7
If you feel led to give tithes and offerings here are some easy ways to do it:
1. Bring your gift to the church. We have offering boxes located outside of our sanctuary. In addition, our office is typically manned between 9am and 3pm Mon. – Thurs.
2. You can mail your check at any time. Please do not mail cash.
3. Online giving can be done by clicking here.
I strongly encourage you to consider online giving. It is fast, easy, and you can automate your monthly giving. This allows you to give easily no matter the situation and helps us make future plans based on expected income.
We appreciate each give and each giver. If you have any questions about our budget and expenses, that information is available at the church office. We are happy to walk you through how we are using the gifts to share hope, shape believers and serve Christ together.
Pastor David
Immanuel Baptist Church
69 Saunders Rd.
Newport News, VA 23601